TSX InfoSuite Registration

To receive your new user name and password for InfoSuite, you must accept the User Agreement below and complete the required registration details.

  • User Agreement

    Welcome to TSX InfoSuite™. This document (the "InfoSuite User Agreement") describes the terms on which TSX Inc. permits access to, and use of, TSX InfoSuite (as defined below). In addition to access to and use of TSX InfoSuite, these terms govern access to other investor relations-related products and services, including products and services provided to you by QuoteMedia, Inc., or TSX Inc. For clarity, access to, and use of, QuoteMedia, Inc. products and services may require the acceptance or execution of a separate agreement with QuoteMedia, Inc., and certain other services may require agreements with additional third-party information providers ("Information Providers"), prior to receipt, or use, of their information.

    This InfoSuite User Agreement includes any terms that are either incorporated by reference, or that TSX Inc. posts on this website, from time to time. Clicking on the "Accept" button, indicates: a) acceptance of and agreement to be bound by, the terms of this InfoSuite User Agreement, as of that date, as an individual; or, b) as a Principal Contact, on behalf of a corporate entity. If you are the Principal Contact for a corporate entity, note that Sections 4(a), 4(b), 5 and 6 of this InfoSuite User Agreement apply to both the Principal Contact and to the corporate entity itself.
    If you do not agree to be bound by, or are not authorized to agree to bind your corporate entity to, any of the terms of this InfoSuite User Agreement, please click on the "Decline" button.

    1. Definitions

    "Authorized User" means you, or a director, officer, or employee of your corporate entity to whom TSX has provided with Login Information permitting access to TSX InfoSuite.
    "Login Information" means login and password information provided by TSX to an Authorized User.
    "Principal Contact" means an officer of a company (generally, but without limitation the Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary, or other authorized corporate officer) who has signing authority and the capacity to bind the company.
    "TSX" means TSX Inc.
    "TSX InfoSuite" means the password protected, web-based, investor relations service made available by TSX.
    "User Information" means the business address, e-mail address and phone number of an Authorized User.
    "you" and "your" refer both to an Authorized User or Principal Contact in that individual's personal capacity and to the corporate entity that employs you and on whose behalf you are also entering into this User Agreement.

    By clicking "Accept" to these terms and conditions:

    2. Access

    1. You agree and acknowledge that the TSX InfoSuite Service may be unavailable, in whole or in part, or from time to time, and may be permanently discontinued at any time. Neither TSX, nor its service providers, will be liable for any damages arising from any interruption, delay, discontinuance, unavailability, or termination of TSX InfoSuite, howsoever caused.

    2. You agree and acknowledge that TSX, or its service providers, may implement updates to, perform maintenance on, or make other changes to TSX InfoSuite at any time. Where possible and practicable, TSX will make commercially reasonable efforts to give you advance notice of the foregoing and to advise you when changes may result in temporary unavailability of TSX InfoSuite.

    3. You agree to ensure that Authorized Users do not transfer, assign, or share their Login Information or the access permitted thereby, with any other individual or corporate entity without TSX's prior written consent.

    3. License Grant

    1. TSX grants you, or grants the corporate entity on whose behalf you are accepting these terms, a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable license to access, and to permit Authorized Users to access, TSX InfoSuite. This license is solely for your, or your corporate entity's, internal business purposes and for no other purpose. Except as expressly stated otherwise, you agree, or your corporate entity agrees, not to market, sell, distribute, commercialize, reproduce, transfer, disclose, publish, or reverse engineer TSX InfoSuite, or the information or content therein, in whole or in part, without TSX's prior written consent.

    2. Except as expressly stated herein, you may not reproduce, duplicate, or copy TSX InfoSuite, in whole or in part, or sell, resell, or otherwise distribute access to TSX InfoSuite.

    4. Privacy and Confidentiality

    1. You agree and acknowledge that all information provided by you in connection with the use of TSX InfoSuite (whether as an Authorized User or as the Principal Contact for the corporate entity with which you are associated) including, without limitation, Login Information and User Information, will be treated in accordance with the TMX Group Limited Privacy Policy, which can be found at https://www.tmx.com/privacy-policy. By accepting the terms of this InfoSuite User Agreement, you are, or your corporate entity is, agreeing to the terms of the TMX Group Limited Privacy Policy.

    2. You consent to TSX using your User Information to send you, or your corporate entity, commercial electronic messages promoting, or related to, training seminars or other events offered by TSX.

    5. Authorized Users

    1. Core Authorized Users

      You agree that corporate entities who are listed issuers on Toronto Stock Exchange may be provided with a maximum of two (2) Authorized Users, each of whom who will be entitled to access TSX InfoSuite at no charge. Corporate entities who are listed issuer on TSX Venture may appoint a single Authorized User who will be entitled to access TSX InfoSuite at no charge.

    2. Additional Core and Premium Authorized Users - Fees

      1. You agree that, at your or your corporate entity's request, but subject to TSX's sole discretion and to the pre-payment of the required fee, TSX may provide you or your corporate entity with additional Login Information permitting concurrent access to TSX InfoSuite by additional Core Authorized Users and Premium Authorized Users. Additional Login Information will only be issued to you or your corporate entity upon TSX's receipt of pre-paid fees for such additional Login Information, plus any applicable taxes or charges as may be required by law.

      2. You agree that, at your or your corporate entity's request, but subject to TSX's sole discretion and to the pre-payment of the required fee, TSX may provide you or your corporate entity with additional Login Information permitting concurrent access to TSX InfoSuite by additional Authorized Users. Additional Login Information will only be issued to you or your corporate entity upon TSX's receipt of pre-paid fees for such additional Login Information, plus any applicable taxes or charges as may be required by law.

      3. You agree and acknowledge that TSX may amend the fee (or fees) payable for additional Login Information at any time, provided that TSX will give you or your corporate entity reasonable prior notice of such amendments and provided that you will have the opportunity to surrender such additional Login Information in the event that you do not wish to pay the amended fee.


    6. Your Responsibilities

    1. You agree that neither you, nor your corporate entity, will use, or permit anyone to use, TSX InfoSuite for any illegal purpose(s).

    2. You are at least 18 years old and can form legally binding contracts under applicable law.

    3. If you are a Principal Contact, you represent that you have authority to bind the corporate entity with which you are associated.

    4. If you are a Principal Contact, you will immediately discontinue or otherwise revoke access for any Authorized User who ceases to be associated with your company or who violates any of the terms of this User Agreement.

    7. Security

    1. You agree to keep Login Information belonging to you in confidence and not to disclose this information to third parties. You also agree not to use any other person's Login Information. You agree not to, and not to permit any Authorized User to, disable or bypass any TSX InfoSuite security features. You are solely responsible for any programs, viruses, or disabling or harmful devices introduced through the Authorized User's use of TSX InfoSuite.

    2. You agree:

      1. not to interfere with or disrupt networks connected to TSX InfoSuite; and

      2. not to use any device or software that interferes with the proper functioning of TSX InfoSuite.

    8. Disclaimer

    1. You acknowledge on behalf of the company with which you are associated, that TSX InfoSuite and any other content, materials, modules, or products provided in connection with TSX InfoSuite (including any of the foregoing provided by third parties), is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, without any warranties or conditions of any kind.

    2. You acknowledge and agree that neither you, nor your corporate entity, has in any way relied on TSX InfoSuite, or on the information or content made available therein, and that the presentation of such information or content does not, under any circumstances, constitute professional advice or evaluation of specific securities or other content made available through TSX InfoSuite.

    3. You acknowledge and agree that TSX InfoSuite may not be used for any trading-related purpose.

    4. You acknowledge and agree that TSX and its service providers expressly disclaim, and that you expressly waive (including, if you are a Principal Contact, on behalf of the company with which you are associated), all warranties and conditions, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties or conditions of merchantable quality fitness for a particular purpose, or any such warranties or conditions arising by law, statute, usage of trade, or course of dealing.

    5. You acknowledge and agree that TMX Group Limited, Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange Inc., or any of their respective affiliates do not, under any circumstances, endorse or recommend any securities issued by any companies identified in TSX InfoSuite.

    9. Liability

    1. TSX (which includes TSX, our parent, subsidiaries, and service providers and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents) as well as QuoteMedia, Inc., and the Information Providers and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents will under no circumstances assume or accept liability to you, or to any company with which you are associated (and their affiliated companies, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders and agents), or to any other person for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental or other damages, losses, costs, expenses in respect of or arising from any errors or omissions in TSX InfoSuite, loss of or damage to data, documents, or any other information, breach of confidentiality or security, loss of goodwill, loss of actual or anticipated profits or revenue, or other liability or claim arising out of this User Agreement or from any use or inability to use TSX InfoSuite, howsoever caused, even if TSX is advised of the possibility of such damages, losses, costs or expenses. The exclusions and limitations in this section will apply regardless of whether any action is brought under statute, in contract, tort, or strict liability, or for negligence, breach of a fundamental term or fundamental breach (and regardless of the number of claims).

    2. You acknowledge and agree that you (and, if you are a Principal Contact, your corporate entity will) indemnify, hold harmless, and defend TSX, QuoteMedia, Inc., and the Information Providers from and against any and all suits, claims, proceedings at law or in equity, and that you or your corporate entity (as the case may be) assume any and all liability, loss, or damage, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with: (i) any claim made as a result of your non-compliance with any legislation or non-compliance by any of your Authorized Users; (ii) a breach of this InfoSuite User Agreement by you or by any of your Authorized Users; (iii) any misuse of information obtained from TSX InfoSuite by you or by any of your Authorized Users; or (iv) any claim made by any person as a result of any breach of this InfoSuite User Agreement by you or by any of your Authorized Users.

    10. Proprietary Rights

    1. You acknowledge that as between you and TSX, TSX will retain all right, title and interest in TSX InfoSuite and its content, including but not limited to any documents, databases, data, text, software, applications, applets, music, sound, graphics, video, photographs, technology, look and feel, and other material and functionality and all other information ("Content"). You acknowledge that the Content is protected by copyright, trade-marks, service marks, patents, and/or other proprietary arrangements and laws and you are only permitted to use this Content as expressly authorized in writing by TSX.

    2. You acknowledge and agree that the words and logos for TSX InfoSuite are trade-marks of TSX or its service providers, and TSX, TSX Venture Exchange and the TMX logos are registered trade-marks of TSX (collectively, the "TSX Marks") and that you may not display or use the TSX Marks in any manner without our prior written authorization.

    11. Proprietary Rights of Information Providers

    1. The Dow Jones IndexesSM are proprietary to CME Group Index Services LLC ("CME Indexes") and/or its licensors, and have been licensed for use. All content of the Dow Jones IndexesSM is proprietary to CME Indexes. "Dow Jones®", "Dow Jones Industrial AverageSM", "DJIASM", and "Dow Jones Indexes" are service marks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC. You agree that as a condition of your continued receipt of index data originating from CME Indexes or any of its affiliates or agents, you shall not issue, create or sponsor any financial instruments or investment products (including, without limitation, derivatives, structured products, investment funds or exchange-traded funds) where the price, return and/or performance of such instrument or product is based on, related to, or intended to track, any index published by CME Indexes or a proxy for such index, without a separate written agreement with CME Indexes for such purpose.

    2. Morningstar Data is Copyright of Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

    3. S&P Information and S&P Services are Copyright of Standard & Poor's including its subsidiary corporations ("S&P"), S&P is a division of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Reproduction of S&P Information and S&P Services in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of S&P. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by S&P's sources, S&P, or others, S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. S&P GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. In no event shall S&P be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with subscriber's or others' use of S&P Information and S&P Services.

    4. Zacks Data is Copyright of ZACKS Investment Research, Inc. ("ZACKS"). The information, data, analyses and opinions contained herein (1) includes the confidential and proprietary information of ZACKS; (2) may not be copied or redistributed, for any purpose; (3) does not constitute investment advice offered by ZACKS; (4) are provided solely for informational purposes; and (5) are not warranted or represented to be correct, complete, accurate or timely. ZACKS shall not be responsible for investment decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, use of this information, data analyses or opinions. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. ZACKS is not affiliated with QuoteMedia, Inc. www.zacks.com

    12. Termination

    1. If you breach this User Agreement, then in addition to any other rights we may have, TSX will have the right to (i) immediately suspend your access to TSX InfoSuite, (ii) immediately suspend the access to TSX InfoSuite of the company with which you are associated (and its respective Authorized Users), or (iii) terminate this User Agreement immediately in respect of you, the company with which you are associated, and its Authorized Users.

    2. If an Authorized User ceases to be associated with any company, that Authorized User's access to TSX InfoSuite will immediately terminate with respect to that Authorized User's associated company.

    3. Either party to this Agreement may terminate the InfoSuite User Agreement for any reason on thirty (30) days' notice of such Termination.

    13. General

    1. This User Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, proposals, discussions and understandings, oral or written.

    2. This User Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. Each party consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario to hear any action brought with respect to this User Agreement.

    3.  You expressly agree, on behalf of the company with which you are associated, that QuoteMedia, Inc. can enforce the terms of this Agreement (in particular, but without limitation, Section 8 (Disclaimer) and Section 9 (Liability)) as a third-party beneficiary.

    4. All notices to a party will be via e-mail. Notices to TSX should be made to issuersupport@tsx.com. Notices to you will be made to the e-mail address that you provided as part of your User Information. A party may change their e-mail address by giving notice to the other party under this section. TSX may broadcast notices or messages on TSX InfoSuite, which broadcast will constitute notice to you. Notice by e-mail will be deemed received forty-eight (48) hours after the e-mail is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the e-mail is invalid.

    5. This InfoSuite User Agreement will be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of, each party and their respective successors and permitted assigns. You may not assign this InfoSuite User Agreement. TSX may assign this InfoSuite User Agreement upon written notice to you.

    6. The failure of either party, at any time, to require performance of any provision hereof will not affect the right to require performance at any other time, nor will the waiver by either party of a breach of any provision be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of the provision itself.

    7. If any provision of the InfoSuite User Agreement is declared illegal, void, or unenforceable for any reason, that provision will be severed from this InfoSuite User Agreement and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

    8. Neither party will be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Infosuite User Agreement, other than payment obligations, due to causes outside its reasonable control. A party claiming the benefit of this section will use all reasonable efforts to eliminate the cause of the delay.

    9. Provisions of this InfoSuite User Agreement, which by their nature survive expiry or termination, will survive any termination or expiration of this InfoSuite User Agreement.


You are signing up for a complimentary TSX InfoSuite Core Account. Toronto Stock Exchange issuers can have two (2) complimentary Core accounts, and TSX Venture Exchange issuers can have one (1) complimentary Core account on TSX InfoSuite.

Additional core accounts are available at a cost of $480/year.

Premium and Premium Plus accounts with additional datasets and access to Anonymous activity are also available at a cost of $1,200/year and $2,000/year respectively.

To sign up for an Additional or Premium account, you will require a LINX profile. If you don't have access to LINX, please email TMXadmin@tmx.com.

If you have any questions about the form or your registration, please contact issuer.services@tmx.com



*We can only accept one ticker symbol per user for your company dashboard










