9 mars 2023
Avis de l'ATI de TMX 2023-021
Agence de traitement de l’information
Update - Marketplace Telco Issue Impacting TMX IP Data via TCF for CDF - AEQ
Attention TMX Information Processor Clients
Please be aware that the Telco issue with NEO (AEQ) market data at our Toronto Location has now been resolved.
NEO (AEQ) data has been re-instated to the CBBO, CBBO-P at our TCF location.
Feeds Affected: CBBO, CBBO-P, CDF-AEQ
Site(s) Impacted: TCF
Customer Action:
Clients are advised to not packet arbitrate CDF-AEQ between the MCC and TCF sites for the remainder of the day due to missed messages.