14 Resulting order book: BID OFFER Broker Hidden Qty. Quantity Price Price Quantity Hidden Qty. Broker C 6,300 100 9.99 10.01 200 A 9.99 10.01 500 B Cross Interference on TSX and TSXV During continuous trading an attributed cross will seek to match previously booked attributed orders from the same PO at the cross price. The side of the cross that remains unfilled (because it gives up this volume) is then killed immediately. Regular crosses are subject to this “cross interference” and only allowed at or inside the best bid/ask but some specialty crosses are exempt from these rules. See the Crosses section for more detail. Cross Interference on TSX Alpha During continuous trading attributed or unattributed crosses will not be subject to interference from orders in the TSX Alpha CLOB. 2.5 Odd Lot trading TSX/TSXV Orders with volume less than a standard trading unit are considered an odd lot and do not trade in the regular CLOB. The majority of listed securities are assigned an RT on TSX and an odd lot dealer on TSXV. The RT/odd lot dealer automatically guarantees a complete fill at the Protected NBBO for incoming odd lot orders priced at or better than the opposite Protected NBBO. If the odd lot order’s price is not marketable the odd lot order is displayed in the odd lot book and will trade at the Protected NBBO with the RT/odd lot dealer once its price becomes better than or equal to the opposite side Protected NBBO. If an opposite side odd lot order is entered with the exact same volume and priced at or better than a resting odd lot order’s price, then the odd lots can trade against each other. For stocks with no RT/odd lot dealer, odd lots can only trade against each other in the manner described above. In all cases, odd lot matching only occurs within the context of the protected NBBO. Odd lots only trade as “All or None” which means partial fills are not accepted. It is possible for the odd lot book to display orders with overlapping prices when resting odd lot orders can match on price but not on volume. TSX Alpha Orders with volume less than a standard trading unit are considered an odd lot and do not trade in the regular CLOB. The majority of TSX Alpha traded securities are assigned an odd lot dealer. The odd lot dealer automatically guarantees a complete fill at the better of the Protected NBBO and the Alpha best bid or offer for incoming Odd Lot orders priced at or better than the opposite side’s price. If the odd lot order’s price is not marketable the odd lot order is displayed in the odd lot book and will trade at its limit price with the odd lot dealer once its price becomes better than or equal to the opposite side of the better of the Protected NBBO and the Alpha best bid or offer. If an opposite side odd lot order is entered with the exact same volume and priced at or better than a resting odd lot order’s price, then the odd lots can trade against each other. For symbols with no odd lot dealer, odd lots can only trade against each other in the manner described above. In all cases, odd lot matching only occurs within the context of the Protected NBBO plus the Alpha BBO. Odd lots only trade as “All or None” which means partial fills are not accepted. It is possible for the odd lot book to display orders with overlapping prices when resting odd lot orders can match on price but not on volume.