Order Types and Functionality Guide

10 Possible Open Prices: PRICE Tradable Volume Remaining Imbalance Deviation from Prev. Day’s Close Price $10.01 0 - $0.01 $10.00 800 Bid of 200 $0.02 $.9.99 700 Bid of 700 $0.02 $9.98 0 - $0.04 The COP will be: $10.00 since this price maximizes the tradable volume. 2.3 Opening TSX Alpha TSX Alpha supports a pre-open session where only cancels are permitted. Odd lots resting in the Odd lot book with a price equal to or more aggressive than the better of the opposite side of the Alpha BBO or the Protected NBBO will autoexecute at the better of these prices against the odd lot dealer prior to transitioning into the continuous trading session. The market transitions directly into continuous trading at 8:00 a.m. The first continuous trade of the day is subject to price volatility parameters based on the listing market’s (i.e. TSX / TSXV) previous day closing price. TSX and TSXV TSX and TSXV support a Market on Open (MOO), which is a visible single price opening call market at 9:30 a.m. All orders, with the exception of Limit on Open orders, not filled during the opening are subsequently booked in the continuous market at their limit price and are then eligible to trade throughout the day in the continuous market. Unexecuted LOO orders will be cancelled after the opening auction, before the commencement of the continuous trading session. Must Be Filled orders (TSX only) will be filled as part of the opening. Registered Market Makers (TSX) and odd lot dealers (TSXV) will auto-execute marketable odd lots at the NBBO at the end of the opening. 2.3.1 Opening Allocation At the opening call, matching of orders is performed sequentially at the COP (Note each starts with orders from the imbalance side using the total volume of guaranteed fill1 orders and then limit orders priced at the COP, allocated to orders from the non-imbalance side) 1. Trade with the disclosed volume of offsetting Guaranteed Fill orders entered by the same PO, provided that neither order is an unattributed or jitney order; then 2. Trade with the disclosed volume of offsetting Guaranteed Fill orders, then 3. Trade with the disclosed volume of offsetting limit orders priced at the COP entered by the same PO, according to time priority, provided that neither order is an unattributed or jitney order; then 4. Trade with the disclosed volume of offsetting limit orders priced at the COP according to price/time priority; then 5. Trade with the undisclosed volume of offsetting Guaranteed Fill orders, according to time priority; then 6. Trade with the undisclosed volume of offsetting limit orders priced at the COP according to time priority. When trades are executed in the Opening Auction, the COP sets the last sale price. If there are no trades at the Opening, the close price from the previous trading day sets the open price. 1. The following orders are guaranteed a complete fill at the Calculated Opening Price (COP): MBF, MKT and Better Price Limit orders (those priced better than the COP). Undisclosed order volume of Iceberg orders that meet these criteria are not guaranteed a fill if the order is on the side that has the imbalance.