TSX Market Making Program Guide Responsibilities of Market Makers TMX Group Page 30 2) Managing performance obligations 3) Notifying TSX regarding any new Responsible Designated Traders or changes to Responsible Designated Traders for any assigned securities 3.10 Responsible Designated Trader Market Makers are responsible for appointing an Approved Trader within the firm to be the Responsible Designated Trader that performs the requirements described in the Responsibilities of Market Makers section. The Responsible Designated Trader must have sufficient experience to effectively perform the market making responsibilities. The Market Maker must notify TSX of the name and Trader ID of such individual at the time the security is assigned to the Market Maker. Such Trader ID of the Responsible Designated Trader is used when assigning auto fills resulting from the MGF facility, Participation, and Odd Lot facility, in addition to any fee incentives. 3.11 Market Maker Fees For more information, please refer to the Trading Fee Schedule on the TSX website. 3.12 Exemption from Market Making Responsibilities In the circumstances described below, a Market Maker may request an exemption from all or part of the requirements described in the Responsibilities of Market Makers section. 3.12.1 Expiring Rights and Warrants A Market Maker may request to be relieved of their market making responsibilities in respect of rights and warrants for up to 10 business days prior to the date of expiry of the right or warrant. If a Market Maker chooses to remain assigned to the security during this time period, they are required to continue to fulfill their market making responsibilities up to the date of expiry. 3.12.2 Special Circumstances and Unusual Situations A Market Maker may request to be relieved of all or part of their market making responsibilities in respect of any securities that are affected by special circumstances and/or unusual circumstances relative to that security. This may include a pending delisting that renders a security to be of no easily determinable value. Such requests are reviewed on a case by case basis and exemptions will be made at the discretion of TSX.