39 A lit order to Sell 1500 @ 10.00 is entered. The sell order will trade against the resting DRK Midpoint Peg order for 1000 shares @ 10.03. The sell order will then trade against the resting lit order for 500 shares @ 10.00. The resting CMO+ orders are bypassed since they will only trade against incoming CMO+ orders. 14.2.4 PDL order trades against a SDL order (IOC/FOK) Starting values: NBBO = (10.00, 10.06) TSX Order Book Volume Bid Offer Volume PDL Limit 200 9.99 10.03 500 Lit 1000 9.97 An Incoming SDL Sell 500 @ 9.99 IOC is entered. The buy dark PDL sitting in the order book at 9.99 will be filled by the SDL order. Resulting TSX Order book Volume Bid Offer Volume Lit 1000 9.97 10.03 500 14.2.5 PDL order XM – No Trade instruction triggered TSX Order Book Volume Bid Offer Volume PDL Limit XM order, no trade key = abc, Broker 9 200 9.99 An Incoming PDL XM order, no trade key = abc, from Broker 9 Sell 500 @ 9.99 is entered. STP No Trade instruction is triggered. The incoming PDL XM sell order will be booked. Resulting TSX Order book Volume Bid Offer Volume PDL Limit XM order, no trade key = abc, Broker 9 200 9.99 9.99 500