32 14.1.6 Pricing Primary Peg Buy-Side Order Calculating the limit and executable price for a Primary Peg buy order entered into the book. The order does not interact with contra-side orders and rests in the book at the determined limit price. NBBO: (10.01, 10.03) ID Order Type Volume Bid Offer Volume Order Type ID A Displayed Limit 1000 10.00 10.03 1000 Displayed Limit B Action: Order C, Dark Buy Primary Peg of 500 @ 10.05 is entered. Result: Order C is assigned a limit of 10.05 and executable price of 10.00. Updated Book NBBO: (10.00, 10.03) ID Order Type Volume Bid Offer Volume Order Type ID A Displayed Limit 1000 10.00 10.03 1000 Displayed Limit B C Dark Primary Peg 500 10.00 14.1.7 Pricing Aggressive Primary Peg Buy-Side Order Calculating the limit and executable price for an aggressive Primary Peg buy order, entered into the book with a one-tick spread. The order does not interact with contra-side orders and remains in the book at the determined limit price. NBBO: (10.00, 10.01) ID Order Type Volume Bid Offer Volume Order Type ID A Displayed Limit 1000 10.00 10.01 1000 Displayed Limit B Action: Order C, Dark Buy Primary Peg of 100 @ 10.05, aggressive offset of 3 is entered. Result: Order C is assigned a limit of 10.05 and executable price of 10.005. Updated Book NBBO: (10.00, 10.01) ID Order Type Volume Bid Offer Volume Order Type ID C Primary Peg +3 100 10.005 10.01 1000 Displayed Limit B A Displayed Limit 1000 10.00 14.1.8 Pricing Passive Primary Peg Buy-Side Order Calculating the limit and executable price for a passive Primary Peg buy order, entered into the book with a onetick spread. The order does not interact with contra-side orders and remains in the book at the determined limit price. NBBO = (10.00, 10.01)