TSX DRK Liquidity Guide

26 Enhancing Dark Order Anonymity An additional feature to minimize disclosure of DRK order intentions. After the first fill of a DRK order a unique public order number will be assigned to any subsequent fills. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 No impact Trade Report: Order Number (40) Unique after the first fill Private Order Number (214) Original order number for the dark order No impact Trade Report: Order Number (40) Unique after the first fill No impact Trade Report: Buy Order ID Unique if side was dark Sell Order ID Unique if side was dark Executing Against Dark Liquidity Tag Value A private tag value that will identify if the order executed with a passive DRK order. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 Field Identifier = 6780 TSXExchangeAdmin Position 4: “D” Order executed against dark liquidity Field Identifier = 380 Exchange-Admin Position 4: “D” Order executed against dark liquidity No impact No impact No impact No impact Min Qty The minimum quantity instruction determines the minimum aggregate total volume that must be satisfied for the order to trade, regardless of the size of any single contra side order. Supported on DRK orders only. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 MinQty (110) MinQty (598) Added to private No impact No impact No impact No impact IsDark A public identifier on trade reports that indicates the passive side of the trade was a DRK order. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 No impact Trade Report: IsDark (617) = Y Message Type A – Trade: IsDark = Y Trade Report: IsDark (617) = Y Trade: IsDark = Y Trade / Trade Correction: IsDark = Y