TSX DRK Liquidity Guide

23 DRK Minimum Price Improvement (MPI) Peg Order is priced at one tick more aggressive than the same side Protected NBBO. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 TSXUndisplayed (7726) = Y Indicates the order is completely undisplayed TSXPegtype (7723) = x Order responses: Fully Encrypted Trade Report (private): Undisplayed (604) = Y PegType (597) = x No changes No changes No changes No changes DRK Market Peg Order is priced at the opposite side Protected NBBO with an optional price offset. Will default to one tick inside the opposite side Protected NBBO. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 TSXUndisplayed (7726) = Y Indicates the order is completely undisplayed TSXPegtype (7723) = P PegOffsetValue (211) = value Order responses: Fully Encrypted Trade Report (private): Undisplayed (604) = Y PegType (597) = P PegOffsetValue (669) = value No changes No changes No changes No changes DRK Primary Peg Order is priced at the same side Protected NBBO with an optional price offset. Quantum Feeds FIX OE Broadcast Feed TL1 TL2 TQL1 TQL2 TSXUndisplayed (7726) = Y Indicates the order is completely undisplayed TSXPegtype (7723) = R PegOffsetValue (211) = value Order responses: Fully Encrypted Trade Report (private): Undisplayed (604) = Y PegType (597) = R PegOffsetValue (669) = value No changes No changes No changes No changes