2025 GUIDE TO LISTING 30 CLEAN TECHNOLOGY & RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY LIFE SCIENCES $42B $27B $447B 91 119 203 $10B $9B $24B market capitalization market capitalization market capitalization Today, D2L is stepping into its next phase of growth as a public company and extending its global leadership in learning. We are excited for D2L to trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange and exemplify the inspiration and maturity of world-class Canadian technology companies. This graduation to the main board in Canada, one of the most prominent exchanges in North America, is expected to provide our company with greater visibility to investors and institutional firms in Canada, Europe, and Asia, who have specific interests in environmental technologies that promote a more sustainable infrastructure. listed companies listed companies listed companies equity capital raised from 2020-2024 equity capital raised from 2020-2024 equity capital raised from 2020-2024 John Baker CEO and Board Chair, D2L Inc. (TSX:DTOL) Richard MacPherson CEO, Birchtech Corp. (TSX:BCHT)